Spatial information is the common denominator in most asset and personnel management systems. Computer - Aided Facilities Management (CAFM) is a powerful technology that enables planners and other business professional to organize and access information that is critical to managing facility assets - from real estate to equipment - from personnel to telecommunications equipment. With a list of clients that include 3M, Disney Development Company, AT&T, American Express and numerous public institutions and agencies, the Jordani Consulting Group has developed a solid track record of successful CAFM projects ranging from systems analysis and requirements definition through large scale enterprise wide systems integration. JCG provides a full suite of CAFM integration services to lead clients through the process of selecting and implementing systems. JCG's services include:

  • Needs analysis and requirements definition
  • Performance audits of existing CAFM implementations
  • Functional and technical requirements definition
  • Business process modeling and analysis
  • Data modeling and design
  • Data creation and conversion
  • Software customization and development
  • Organizational modeling, job descriptions and skill set requirements for CAFM
  • Standards and procedure development
  • Training program development and delivery
  • On going systems support


Buying technology is a relatively easy proposition - making it work to achieve business goals can be an altogether different story. JCG helps its clients achieve their business goals through the effective use of computer technology. The strategic focus on business goals provides the framework for a successful long-term implementation strategy. JCG assists its clients by developing strategic plans reflecting key management, business and technical issues, and then provides guidance and support as those plans are implemented.

JCG services include more than just technology consulting. Business process analysis and redesign often includes a clients customers and extended business partners. Organizational modeling, role definition and skill set audits are also completed to achieve organizational fit.

As part of its services, JCG will develop a detailed management and operations plan to successfully guide the administrative and technical aspects of system implementation. JCG also delivers system management training programs tailored to the unique requirements of its clients.


Today's competitive business environment is challenging organizations to leverage the expertise of their professional staff. Custom software development can incorporate the design and business values of an organization. With its years of experience in the facility management, design and computer fields, JCG has the expertise to design and develop custom applications for facility managers, architects, and engineers. JCG's staff and extensive network of resources can customize numerous CAFM, CAD and office automation systems. JCG also provide application design and custom software development services.

JCG's multimedia joint venture, Jordani Multimedia (JM is a joint Venture of the Jordani Consulting Group and McTeer Systems), JCG provides complete multimedia design, authoring and data conversion services. JM's conversion of the industry icon, Architectural Graphic Standards, (edited by the American Institute of Architects and published by John Wiley & Sons) from print to electronic media captured the prestigious Technology Leader Award from Cadence magazine.


From its inception in 1985, JCG has delivered professional development and continuing education programs to thousands of facility managers, building owners, and design and construction industry professionals. JCG provides training and seminars for all levels of staff in the use, implementation, and management of CAFM and CADD systems. Training is tailored to the needs of clients and can be offered on site at a client's facility or at our offices.

JCG also participates in a number of publicly available training programs and seminars. The annual August CAFM and CAD seminars in the mountains of Colorado are among the most highly regarded educational programs in the industry. The weeklong courses include lectures, workshops, and hands-on technology demonstrations. Taught annually under the auspices of the University of Wisconsin Professional Development program, the sessions rank among the highest rated programs for the University. Check the JCG home page for a list of upcoming sessions involving JCG staff.

Participation in the development of industry-wide global standards and procedures to improve electronic data exchange is another indication of JCG's commitment to the industry. On a national and global level, JCG's President, David A. Jordani, FAIA is the Founder and acts as Executive Director of the CAD Management Institute. He also co-chairs the CAD Council for the National Institute of Building Sciences. In its projects, JCG services often included the integration of standards and procedures to insure proper data flow and communication between systems and across applications boundaries.

Jordani Consulting Group
12 South 6th Street, Suite 914
Minneapolis, MN 55402
Phone 612 333-9222 Fax 612 333-9210
Copyright © 2010 Jordani Consulting Group