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Abbott Laboratories Global Engineering Services Like many others in their industry, Abbott Laboratories experiences high churn rate and needs accurate information about to manage their real property assets. Through a process that began with analysis of their property and space management requirements, JCG has helped Abbott to deploy a web based property management system to support strategic facilities planning and operations management of their facility assets The core of the system is the Abbott Property Database (APD) that established the common list of properties across the enterprise. Detailed spatial data is managed in an Oracle based application, Facility Center (Tririga, Las Vegas) with MicroStation used for floor plan/site plan maintenance. Systems integration included a number of business processes and connections to corporate HR databases. In addition to system design and customization and data integration, JCG has acted as lead project manager coordinated a team that also includes Abbott professional and technical staff. The ABBOTT SPACE System website incorporates GIS technology for viewing detailed information with a focus on Space management. The system provides secured access to information on fifteen thousand tenants occupying in excess of twelve million square feet in numerous buildings across Abbott’s Lake County campuses. Abbott is enthusiastic about the system, its immediate impact and the potential for integration with other business content.
University of Minnesota Facilities Management Department, Minneapolis, MN The University of Minnesota is home to over 80,000 people on a daily basis. The Facilities Management (FM) Department is responsible for the management of facility assets (valued in excess of $3 billion without equipment) spread across 24 million square feet in over 1000 buildings on 30+ campuses. In 1995, FM contracted with the Jordani Consulting Group for complete CAFM database requirements definition, design and integration services. The project involved conversion of a legacy CAFM system into fully relational model and the incorporation of 1500 drawings and a graphical navigation model that supports GIS planning.
American Express Financial Corporation Facilities Management Department, Minneapolis, MN AMEX facility currently manages in excess of 1.5 million square feet of administrative office and support space for over 3,500 employees in Minneapolis. JCG has worked with AMEX continuously since 1987 to develop and support their use of computer systems to support their facility management needs. JCG developed AMEX CAFM standards, custom user interfaces and custom software that interfaced CADD to third party database systems for occupancy planning, equipment inventory, and space needs forecasting. The system will link external databases maintained by other business units such as Telecommunication, Workstation Services, and Human Resources into a facility management system that will allow Corporate Real Estate to more effectively manage space utilization and account for utilization of corporate assets. JCG has been retained to provide a number of on-site integration services including software customization, training, systems configuration and user support.
VERSION 3.0 John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY Authored by the American Institute of Architects, Architectural Graphic Standards (AGS), the classic industry reference, is often referred to as the Architects bible. The CD-ROM version of AGS, developed by Jordani Multimedia, received the 1996 Technology Leader Award. Version 3.0 of AGS CD-ROM, provides direct links to Web sites for Product Manufacturers, Trade, and Professional Associations! Use Version 3.0 as an industry browser for immediate detail information, drawings, codes, and standards.
Marvin Windows & Doors wanted a design and specification tool that reflected their "Made to Order" business philosophy. JCG, as a joint venture partner of the Strategic Systems Group Venture, developed the Marvin Design System, which employs expert system technology so that architects, specifiers, and distributors can design their own custom windows. This award winning product (Windows World Open, 1994) has been distributed to over twenty thousand designers & specifiers.
AT&T Engineering Design and Construction Division, Basking Ridge, NJ The New Jersey HQ Operations Division of AT&T is responsible for space management and accounting for approximately 16 million square feet of space in New Jersey and New York. Space management was accomplished through the use of CAD systems and custom software that had been developed under contract to AT&T.JCG was retained to perform an audit and provide management consulting to measure and improve the benefits of existing CAD and CAFM systems. At the conclusion of the study, JCG prepared a detailed report suggesting training, staffing realignment, product changes and other productivity improvements for AT&T management.
Celebration, FL Celebration is a 4,800 acre town master planned with mixed use development reminiscent of traditional American small towns. The Disney Development Company's (DDC) vision for the planned community of tomorrow included not only a master architectural plan but also a master technology plan. The Jordani Consulting Group performed a two part study to determine how DDC could best use information technology to help manage the design, development, and operation of the Celebration Development Project and life cycle management.
Madison, WI From its inception in 1985, JCG has delivered professional development and continuing education programs to thousands of facility managers, building owners, and design and construction industry professionals. The annual August CAFM and CAD seminars in the mountains of Colorado are among the most highly regarded educational programs in the industry. The week long course includes lectures, workshops, and hands-on technology demonstrations. It is taught annually under the auspices of the University of Wisconsin Professional Development program and ranks among the highest rated programs for the University.
Tri-Service CADD/GIS Technology Center, Vicksburg, MS JCG's reputation as a leader in the development of industry standards led this agency to request a review of CAD standards that had been developed for the design and construction programs of the Army, Air Force and Navy. Collectively this group comprises the largest construction-contracting agency in the world. JCG identified improvements and enhancements necessary to implement the Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) standards manual for A/E/C documents. In a separate project for the same agency, JCG analyzed and developed a report providing an overview of Engineering Document Management Systems (EDMS) as applied to the work of managers and developers of CADD/GIS systems at military and civil works installations. JCG made a formal presentation to the Field Technical Advisory Group (FTAG) and the Field Working Groups of the Tri-Service CADD / GIS Technology Center Annual Conference in 1996.
Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Headquarters, Alexandria, VA The NAVFAC CAD2 procurement is among the largest contracts for CAD technology and services ever awarded. NAVFAC HQ convened a Blue Ribbon Panel of industry experts to meet for three days and develop recommendations on policies and procedures to guide the implementation of this technology in support of NAVFAC engineering operations and services. For its contribution, JCG was cited with a Certificate of Appreciation from the Commander, NAVFAC. |
Jordani Consulting Group 12 South 6th Street, Suite 914 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Phone 612 333-9222 Fax 612 333-9210 info@jordani.com Copyright © 2010 Jordani Consulting Group |